Prof. Aaron Buckland
Spine & Scoliosis Surgeon
Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery
Chairman & Director – Spine & Scoliosis Research Associates Australia
+613 9573 9691

Prof. Aaron Buckland is a Spinal Surgeon with subspecialty expertise in adult and paediatric spinal deformity, complex revision surgery and minimally invasive spine surgery.
Prof. Buckland completed his MBBS/BMedSci combined degree at University of Melbourne in 2005, and Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (Orthopaedics) in 2014. Subsequently Prof. Buckland completed spinal surgery fellowship at NYU Hospital for Joint Disease in 2015, and was employed as a full-time faculty member at NYU Langone Health in New York City from 2015-2020 where he was promoted to Associate Professor and Director of Spine Research.
Prof. Buckland has a keen interest in academics in addition to his clinical workload, having more than 160 peer reviewed publications, given over 120 podium presentations at national and international academic meetings, and has won several awards at international specialty society meetings for his research, including the Spine Society of Australia, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Scoliosis Research Society, International Society for Advancement of Spine Surgery, and the esteemed ‘Otto Aufranc Award for Best Clinical Paper’ by the Hip Society.
Prof Buckland is a member of the internationally renowned Harms Study Group, AO Foundation Knowledge Forum and Paediatric Spine Study Group. Prof Buckland is the founder and chairman of Australian not-for-profit ‘Spine and Scoliosis Research Associates Australia’ (SSRAA), dedicated to research and education in spinal and scoliosis surgery. As part of his role in SSRAA and Royal Children’s Hospital, Prof Buckland has developed the Paediatric Spine Registry piloted at the Royal Children’s Hospital in 2022.
Prof Buckland currently works in the public health system at Royal Children’s Hospital and in private practice at Melbourne Orthopaedic Group.